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Yannick CONNAN

His polished granite pieces look like time-worn stone megaliths , that a thousand-year old giant might have unearthed in the woods. 


Entering his universe is like stepping into a magical forest or the pages of fairytale. We are captivated by the mysterious allure of these unusual forms, that the artist presents to us both as both witness and a spokesperson. These powerful and fragile forms capture the imagination and are nothing like traditional sculptures.  


Some of them look like they’re straight from outer space, from the cosmos, like subtle meteorites with their exquisite, coloured transparencies as if from another dimension – take, for instance, this deep, luminous blue that defies comprehension... 

"My dream is to create an aesthetic link between an intuitive, spiritual vision and an empirical, scientific construction," he says. "I’ve been seeking the interiority of forms for a long time, initially by making holes and cavities in my sculptures, then by hollowing out the volumes completely. Transposing my granite pieces into glass has highlighted a fourth dimension — a space that opens up within the form. This space breathes new life into the sculpture. It becomes the interior of the being or the emptiness of the cosmos."  

Yannick Connan was born in 1971. He lives and works in Brocéliande in Brittany, a region as mysterious as his sculptural work, which brings him face to face with materials that have a very basic structure, like minerals and plants, older than humanity itself.

Yannick Connan has also recently started drawing big charcoal drawings that are almost abstract, echoing his glass pieces and creating a sort of visual backdrop that brings to mind an unknown dimension. 

This inventive, contemplative dreamer allows us to "dream in material" through his artworks, that sit between two worlds as a kind of boundary. 


2014, participated in the Coburg Prize for Contemporary Glass Competition, in Germany.

2012 Arts Elysées Michèle Guérin Gallery, Paris

2015 Mac Paris, Puls’art in Mans.

His works have been acquired by many public institutions.

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